Why would a cache include cookies?

Ehcache’s SimplePageCachingFilter caches cookies. And that baffles me… why would a cache include cookies in it?

I ran into the interesting situation where servlets, interceptors, and all those other Java goodies were writing cookies for purposes like the current browsing user’s identifier so it could track that user on the site and keep track of his shopping cart. The problem, which is obvious in retrospect but was incredibly puzzling at first, was that the cookies that included the user id were being cached, so when a subsequent user hit that page, he got the original requester’s user id, and got all that implied (like his cart).

Since each page is cached separately and at separate times, and there is more than one user on the site, visitors would see their carts changing, items seemingly appearing and disappearing randomly, and other such fun. For example, if Alice happened to hit the home page when its cache was expired, her user id cookie ended up in the home page cache. Then Bob comes along and hits the accessories page when its cache has expired, so his user id cookies ends up in that page’s cache. Finally, Charles visits the home page, and sees Alice’s cart. Then, he goes to the accessories page, and sees Bob’s cart. It’s just an incredibly weird and confusing situation!

I’ve been wracking my brain on the topic of caching cookies – when would it be useful? Cookies, as far as I can imagine (and have experienced), contain only user unique information – so why would you cache them?

To solve this problem, I extended SimplePageCachingFilter and overrode the setCookies method, having it be a no-op. And I filed a bug report with Ehcache.

Apache’s mod_cache will include cookies in its cache too. But, in their documentation, they specifically point out the case of cookies in their example of how to exclude items from the cache. It seems Apache knows including cookies is a bad idea… perhaps they should default to excluded?

CC BY-SA 4.0 Why would a cache include cookies? by Craig Andrews is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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