WordPress on AWS The Easy Way with VersionPress

Developing and administering WordPress can be painful, especially when requirements include the ability to have a team of developers, the ability for a developer to run the site (including content) on their system (so they can reproduce issues caused by content or configuration), multiple content authors, multiple environments (such as staging and production), and the … Continue reading WordPress on AWS The Easy Way with VersionPress

SQS JMS Resource Adapter

The recently released SQS JMS Resource Adapter allows JEE applications (running on any JEE application server, including Glassfish, Payara, JBoss, IBM Liberty, etc) to easily use AWS SQS as a JMS implementation. This resource adapter can be helpful in many situations, such as: Migrating an existing JEE application from another JMS implementation (such as RabbitMQ, … Continue reading SQS JMS Resource Adapter

Trusting DoD Certificates in Docker and Beanstalk

The US DoD (Department of Defense) uses its own root certificate when signing https certificates for its domains. For example, https://www.my.af.mil/ uses such a certificate. These root certificates are not trusted by any (commercial/public) operating system, browser, or other client. Therefore, in order to access these sites and not get an error, the DoD certificates … Continue reading Trusting DoD Certificates in Docker and Beanstalk

Spring Boot, HTTPS required, and Elastic Beanstalk health checks

Spring Boot can be very easily configured to require HTTPS for all requests. In application.properties, simply set security.require-ssl=true And that works great – until you’re running the Spring Boot application on AWS Elastic Beanstalk with both HTTP and HTTPS listeners: In that case, Elastic Beanstalk’s health check is always done over HTTP. The configuration page … Continue reading Spring Boot, HTTPS required, and Elastic Beanstalk health checks

Distributed services – the past, present, and future of the Internet

The Internet started as a distributed network – ARPANET. Its protocol, TCP/IP, was designed so that hosts anyone could communicate without relying on a central authority, and if any one host went down, it didn’t affect the other others’ ability to work. Gradually, as ARPANET evolved into the Internet, that distributed architecture became more important. … Continue reading Distributed services – the past, present, and future of the Internet