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Shellcheck Scripts Embedded in GitLab CI YAML

I’m a big fan of linters. They detect problems earlier (also known as “shifting to the left”), and the earlier problem detection is, the more efficient remediation is. Therefore, I want to lint as much as possible. Lately, I’ve been working a lot with GitLab CI YAML which oftentimes has shell script embedded in it which naturally would benefit from linting. So I figured out how to do so using a combination of yq and shellcheck as demonstrated by this GitLab CI job:

  image: alpine:3.19.1
    - |
      # shellcheck shell=sh
      # Check *.sh
      git ls-files --exclude='*.sh' --ignored -c -z | xargs -0r shellcheck -P SCRIPTDIR -x
      # Check files with a shell shebang
      git ls-files -c | while IFS= read -r file; do
        if head -n1 "${file}" |grep -q "^#\\! \?/.\+\(ba|d|k\)\?sh" ; then
          shellcheck -P SCRIPTDIR -x "${file}"
      # Check script embedded in GitLab CI YAML named *.gitlab-ci.yml
      newline="$(printf '\nq')"
      git ls-files --exclude='*.gitlab-ci.yml' --ignored -c | while IFS= read -r file; do
        documentCount=$(yq eval-all '[.] | length' "${file}")
        while [ "$documentIndex" -lt "$documentCount" ]; do
          true $((documentIndex=documentIndex+1))
          yq eval 'select(documentIndex == '${documentIndex}') | .[] | select(tag=="!!map") | (.before_script,.script,.after_script) | select(. != null ) | path | "select(documentIndex == '${documentIndex}') | .[\"" + join("\"].[\"") + "\"]"' "${file}" | while IFS= read -r selector; do
            script=$(yq eval "${selector} | join(\"${newline}\")" "${file}")
            if ! printf '%s' "${script}" | shellcheck -x -; then
              >&2 printf "\nError in %s in the script specified in %s:\n%s\n" "${file}" "${selector}" "${script}"
              exit 1

This GitLab CI job will run shellcheck on:

This job will not handle !reference tags in GitLab CI YAML, so on the off chance that that feature is used in a before_script, after_script, or script, the results won’t be correct.

Happy linting!

Shellcheck Scripts Embedded in GitLab CI YAML by Craig Andrews is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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