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Using Spring Cache as the Thymeleaf Cache

Thymeleaf includes caching that can be used to cache templates, fragments, messages, and expressions. The default implementation is an in-memory cache using standard Java collections. Wouldn’t it be nice to use the Spring Cache Abstraction instead? The advantages of such a setup include:

To connect Thymeleaf (I’m using 2.1.x, but this should work for any version 2.1 or later) to Spring (I’m using 4.1.x, but this approach should work for 4.0 or later).

Here’s a working configuration:

  1. package com.integralblue.candrews;
  3. import java.util.List;
  4. import java.util.Properties;
  6. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired;
  7. import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Value;
  8. import org.springframework.cache.Cache;
  9. import org.springframework.cache.CacheManager;
  10. import org.springframework.context.MessageSource;
  11. import org.springframework.context.annotation.Bean;
  12. import org.springframework.context.annotation.Configuration;
  13. import org.thymeleaf.Template;
  14. import org.thymeleaf.cache.AbstractCacheManager;
  15. import org.thymeleaf.cache.ICache;
  16. import org.thymeleaf.cache.ICacheEntryValidityChecker;
  17. import org.thymeleaf.cache.ICacheManager;
  18. import org.thymeleaf.dom.Node;
  19. import org.thymeleaf.extras.springsecurity4.dialect.SpringSecurityDialect;
  20. import org.thymeleaf.spring4.SpringTemplateEngine;
  21. import org.thymeleaf.spring4.templateresolver.SpringResourceTemplateResolver;
  22. import org.thymeleaf.spring4.view.ThymeleafViewResolver;
  23. import org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.ITemplateResolver;
  24. import org.thymeleaf.templateresolver.TemplateResolver;
  26. @Configuration
  27. public class ThymeleafConfig {
  28. 	private static final String VIEWS = "/WEB-INF/views/";
  29. 	private static final String TEMPLATE_CACHE_NAME = "thymeleafTemplateCache";
  30. 	private static final String FRAGMENT_CACHE_NAME = "thymeleafFragmentCache";
  31. 	private static final String MESSAGE_CACHE_NAME = "thymeleafMessageCache";
  32. 	private static final String EXPRESSION_CACHE_NAME = "thymeleafExpressionCache";
  34. 	@Value("${thymeleaf.cache}")
  35. 	private boolean thymeleafCache;
  37. 	@Autowired
  38. 	private CacheManager cacheManager;
  40. 	@Autowired
  41. 	private MessageSource messageSource;
  43. 	@Bean
  44. 	public ThymeleafViewResolver viewResolver() {
  45. 		ThymeleafViewResolver viewResolver = new ThymeleafViewResolver();
  46. 		viewResolver.setCache(thymeleafCache);
  47. 		viewResolver.setTemplateEngine(templateEngine());
  48. 		viewResolver.setCharacterEncoding("UTF-8");
  49. 		return viewResolver;
  50. 	}
  52. 	@Bean
  53. 	public SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine() {
  54. 		SpringTemplateEngine templateEngine = new SpringTemplateEngine();
  55. 		templateEngine.setCacheManager(thymeleafCacheManager());
  56. 		templateEngine.setTemplateResolver(templateResolver());
  57. 		templateEngine.addDialect(new SpringSecurityDialect());
  58. 		templateEngine.setMessageSource(messageSource);
  59. 		return templateEngine;
  60. 	}
  62. 	@Bean
  63. 	public ITemplateResolver templateResolver() {
  64. 		TemplateResolver templateResolver = new SpringResourceTemplateResolver();
  65. 		templateResolver.setPrefix(VIEWS);
  66. 		templateResolver.setSuffix(".html");
  67. 		templateResolver.setTemplateMode("HTML5");
  68. 		templateResolver.setCacheable(thymeleafCache);
  69. 		return templateResolver;
  70. 	}
  72. 	@Bean
  73. 	ICacheManager thymeleafCacheManager() {
  74. 		return new AbstractCacheManager() {
  76. 			@Override
  77. 			protected ICache<string, template=""> initializeTemplateCache() {
  78. 				return templateCache();
  79. 			}
  81. 			@Override
  82. 			protected ICache<string, list<node="">&gt; initializeFragmentCache() {
  83. 				return fragmentCache();
  84. 			}
  86. 			@Override
  87. 			protected ICache<string, properties=""> initializeMessageCache() {
  88. 				return messageCache();
  89. 			}
  91. 			@Override
  92. 			protected ICache<string, object=""> initializeExpressionCache() {
  93. 				return expressionCache();
  94. 			}
  95. 		};
  96. 	}
  98. 	@Bean
  99. 	ICache<string, template=""> templateCache() {
  100. 		return new CacheToICacheAdapter<template>(
  101. 				cacheManager.getCache(TEMPLATE_CACHE_NAME));
  102. 	}
  104. 	@Bean
  105. 	ICache<string, list<node="">&gt; fragmentCache() {
  106. 		return new CacheToICacheAdapter 	<list<node>&gt;(
  107. 				cacheManager.getCache(FRAGMENT_CACHE_NAME));
  108. 	}
  110. 	@Bean
  111. 	ICache<string, properties=""> messageCache() {
  112. 		return new CacheToICacheAdapter<properties>(
  113. 				cacheManager.getCache(MESSAGE_CACHE_NAME));
  114. 	}
  116. 	@Bean
  117. 	ICache<string, object=""> expressionCache() {
  118. 		return new CacheToICacheAdapter<object>(
  119. 				cacheManager.getCache(EXPRESSION_CACHE_NAME));
  120. 	}
  122. 	private static final class CacheToICacheAdapter<v> implements
  123. 			ICache<string, v=""> {
  124. 		private final Cache cache;
  126. 		private static final class CacheEntry<v> {
  127. 			private final V value;
  128. 			private final long timestamp;
  130. 			public CacheEntry(V value) {
  131. 				this.value = value;
  132. 				this.timestamp = System.currentTimeMillis();
  133. 			}
  135. 			public V getValue() {
  136. 				return value;
  137. 			}
  139. 			public long getTimestamp() {
  140. 				return timestamp;
  141. 			}
  142. 		}
  144. 		public CacheToICacheAdapter(Cache cache) {
  145. 			this.cache = cache;
  146. 		}
  148. 		@Override
  149. 		public void put(String key, V value) {
  150. 			cache.put(key, new CacheEntry<v>(value));
  151. 		}
  153. 		@Override
  154. 		public V get(String key) {
  155. 			@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  156. 			CacheEntry<v> cacheEntry = cache.get(key, CacheEntry.class);
  157. 			if (cacheEntry == null) {
  158. 				return null;
  159. 			} else {
  160. 				return cacheEntry.getValue();
  161. 			}
  162. 		}
  164. 		@Override
  165. 		public V get(
  166. 				String key,
  167. 				ICacheEntryValidityChecker<!--? super String, ? super V--> validityChecker) {
  168. 			@SuppressWarnings("unchecked")
  169. 			CacheEntry<v> cacheEntry = cache.get(key, CacheEntry.class);
  170. 			if (cacheEntry == null) {
  171. 				return null;
  172. 			} else {
  173. 				V value = cacheEntry.getValue();
  174. 				if (validityChecker == null
  175. 						|| validityChecker.checkIsValueStillValid(key, value,
  176. 								cacheEntry.getTimestamp())) {
  177. 					return value;
  178. 				} else {
  179. 					return null;
  180. 				}
  181. 			}
  182. 		}
  184. 		@Override
  185. 		public void clear() {
  186. 			cache.clear();
  187. 		}
  189. 		@Override
  190. 		public void clearKey(String key) {
  191. 			cache.evict(key);
  192. 		}
  194. 	}
  195. }
  198. I've requested that Thymeleaf include this feature as part of the Spring integration in Thymeleaf 3.0: <a href=""></a> So hopefully, with future versions of Thymeleaf, none of this extra work will be necessary and things will Just Work™.
  200. If using Ehcache as the backing cache for Thymeleaf, and ARC is being used, errors may occur - see <a href="">"Issues using Ehcache with ARC as the Thymeleaf Cache"</a> for more information.
  201. </v></v></v></v></string,></v></object></string,></properties></string,></list<node></string,></template></string,></string,></string,></string,></string,>

Using Spring Cache as the Thymeleaf Cache by Craig Andrews is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

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